The Global launch of VOGE was grandly held at the splendid and science-fictionlike exhibition site at local 14:20. Under the blessing and witness of friends, guests, and media from all over the world, the VOGE's global strategy was started. Taking the opportunity of the splendid Milan EICMA, we declared to the world in high voices : VOGE comes after enough prepartion!
The VOGE, as a high-end sporty motorcycle under Loncin, brought the street motorcycle, recreation vehicle, advanced classic motorcycle, and racer to the Milan International Motorcycle Show in 2019 with splendid attire by striking pose.
Refining after a decade is just for a flashing blossom.
The VOGE, created the masterpiece by 10 years, explored the industrial essence from high-end, gradually accumulated, and, kept improve and promote; A short step for thousands miles over decade, along with the growing up from experience to mindset, hardware and software, finally, the brilliant hour comes!
With the passionate music and majestic expression, the curtain of lauch of VOGE was pulled open.The crowed VIP and visitors happily saw this honorable hour.
The readiness by years aimed for a blockbuster. This is the initial landing of VOGE in Milan for the global launch, and there are three motorcycles, in which two of fuel driving and one of electric power. We specially invited the customers from Mexico, France, Spain, Russia, and Ukraine as our unveiling guests to share this exciting moment.
VOGE ER10,超級電摩,駕馭無極
VOGE ER10 Driving the super e-motorcycle of VOGE
隨著發布會的開始,率先亮相的是VOGE ER10,這是無極旗下首款新能源電動摩托車,其外號“白幽靈”源自其順滑的電機聲,配備了國內前沿的電動技術,性能出眾,時速破百,續航破百。科幻激進是它的主旋律。
With the Launch proceeding, the VOGE ER10 firstly strikes her pose on the stage, which is the first e-motorcycle under VOGE with the nickname of White ghost due to its smooth motor sound, whose advanced electrical technology nationwide produced her outstanding performance with speed and ranging over 100km, for whom, the science- fiction and progressive is her main theme.
VOGE 500DS,旅行ADV,探索無極
VOGE 500D, the ADV for travel, explores infinity
緊跟而來VOGE 500DS,這是一款純粹旅行ADV的燃油機車,國際頂級汽摩設計機構上乘之作,注入硬朗美學設計理念,整車線條流暢,簡約干練;17L飽滿油箱,續航里程可達500公里,讓你縱意旅行,極盡自由探索。在旅行中探索,在探索中旅行!
The closely followed-up is VOGE 500DS, a fuel driving ADV for sheer travel, which is a masterpiece from top motorcycle design institution, who input the design of rigid aesthetics to produce her smooth and concise outline; The fuel tank of 17L with ranging over 500km makes your travel and adventure at will. Travel within exploration while sightseeing during adventure!
VOGE 300AC,先鋒復古,傳承無極
VOGE 300AC, advanced and classic, heritage from VOGE
最后發布的是無極先鋒復古機車VOGE 300AC,開創了先鋒復古機車的先河,將古典與現代糅合,復古與時尚結合,重溫古典機械美學的永恒魅力。VOGE 300AC通過多輪的試驗測試,不斷優化調整,得取最優方案,滿足了現代人的復古情懷和實用需求。
The last one get on stage is VOGE 300AC, an advanced classic motorcycle, who is the originator in this filed, mixes the classic and modern, retro and fashion, and relives the aesthetics of classic machinery. The VOGE 300AC, tested by many turns, kept adjust and optimize, which finally achieved the best plan and satisfied the retro and use in modern society.
From the Chinese speed to her height, from the Made in China to innovation, as a sporty motorcycle brand, the Global New Products launch of VOGE this time is an extreme important pace marches toward worldwide, who is also a bridge over Chinese innovation and the world, while indicating the international spreading of VOGE brand faces to overseas market, and finally, the VOGE, achieves global recognition and internationalization. In the future, the VOGE devotes to the China and world her further diligence by more masterpieces, the Made in China, Goes abroad and wins the global reputation.